Established in 1955

About Tortorigi Construction

The Tortorigi reputation for quality is built on decades of experience that span a full range of earth moving applications.


  • New and rehabilitated roadways
  • Commercial and residential pads
  • Sewer and utilities installation
  • Stormwater drainage and retention
  • Other heavy construction applications


Tortorigi Construction can manage excavation and grading projects as the prime contractor or work closely with a project development team, collaborating with general contractors, architects, engineers and owners to ensure project success. Tortorigi professionals will meet or beat project deadlines to deliver a pad ready to go vertical or a roadway fully prepared for paving.

Our mid-sized heavy construction firm fields a large fleet of GPS-equipped earth moving and hauling equipment. Tortorigi Construction was one of the first firms in Alabama to implement this technology to assure accurate layout and elevation for each cut or pad. Our working knowledge and field experience with GPS-guided grading has established Tortorigi as a statewide construction leader.

Tortorigi Construction was established in 1955 and proudly continues today under the management Tortorigi family members.

Tortorigi Construction Safety Initiative

The success of our safety effort depends on all employees, from senior management to the newest hire, demonstrating a commitment to safety by working in a safe manner. Safe job performance is how our safety effort is ultimately measured.

As a leading contractor in Birmingham, Alabama, we require a commitment to safety from all Tortorigi personnel. Our safety program contains several policies and procedures to keep all workplace sites safe:
– Hazard assessment
– Job task safety analysis
– Frequent Inspections
– Project Pre-Planning
– Engineering controls (when applicable)

If a safety risk is found during employee assessments, they are to notify a supervisor and work on a solution to eliminate the hazard. As an extra layer of precaution, a safety director makes routine and random jobsite inspections to ensure safety compliance. This system works when Tortorigi Construction employees prioritize jobsite safety by adhering to our established safety program.

Check out Some Recent Projects

Ready to Get to Work?

If you’re looking for a dedicated partner to help you execute your vision and build plan, our team is ready to support you.