We are so grateful for our clients that make up this beautiful community!

Benjamin Russell High School

Commercial Demolition and Drainage Project in Alexander City

Tortorigi Construction Inc. (TCI)  is contracted to provide the clearing and demolition of the old equestrian field and road, and the construction of the new entrance road. Scope of work includes: erosion control, earthwork/grading, storm drainage, site water (domestic and fire), gravity sanitary sewer, and force main/pump station. TCI will provide Alexander City with a new Benjamin Russell High School Campus by the end of the project. This project is scheduled to go through 2024.

Harpers Creek

Subdivision Construction Drainage & Erosion Control Project in Harpersville, AL

Subdivision located in Harpersville, AL.  Tortorigi has prepared the ground for this subdivision in two phases: First phase in 2021, second phase in 2022. Scope of work includes: Clearing/grubbing, erosion control, storm drainage, water main, low pressure sanitary force main, earthwork/grading,  asphalt paving, and curb and gutter installation.    


Subdivision Construction Drainage & Utilities Project in Athens, AL

Subdivision Located in Athens, AL. First phase initiated in 2022 with 66 lots. Scope of work consisting of clearing\grubbing, erosion control, storm drainage, water main and services, and gravity sewer. Tortorigi worked with local subcontractors to turn over the first phase of this project to our client and immediately began the second phase of an additional 44 lots that is currently under construction.

Ginhouse Landing

Subdivision Construction Drainage & Erosion Control Project in Priceville, AL

Subdivision located in Priceville, AL. First phase was initiated in 2022 with 51 lots. Scope of work consisting of clearing/grubbing, erosion control, storm drainage, water main and services, and gravity sewer. Tortorigi completed the first phase of this project while working alongside local subcontractors.

Heardmont Estates

Tortorigi Construction Drainage & Utilities Project in Pelham, AL

The project was initiated in 2024 with 10 lots. Scope of work includes: clearing\grubbing, erosion control, storm drainage, water main, and services. Tortorigi has worked alongside local subcontractors and city municipalities to get this project completed in a short timeline to help development start.

Shelby County Landfill Access Road

Tortorigi Road Construction Project in Columbiana, AL

Tortorigi is the primary general contractor of this landfill access road project.  Being the GC on this project, Tortorigi has all scopes of work to complete from start to finish. The scope of work includes:  65,000 yards of clearing\grubbing, erosion control, storm drainage, asphalt paving, and curb and gutter installation. This site has 11 acres of clearing along with ALDOT right-of-way work.

Lyle's Lane

Tortorigi Construction Storm Drainage Project

A time sensitive project that includes a five barrel culvert system replacing a failing existing system. Scope of work consists of demoing the existing piping with placement of new 60’ concrete pipe and concrete retaining walls. Tortorigi has many local subcontractors working closely together to achieve the repaving and erosion control on this project.  On this project, Tortorigi is working in conjunction with CCI Planning & Engineering to provide a quick, accurate and complete project.

Your Project Could Be Here.

Have a project you’ve been envisioning? We can handle large-scale projects, pushing the boundaries to bring your creative vision to life. Your project could benefit the community for years to come!